Tag Archive | small space living

Getting closer to kitchen creativity

I’m settling in gradually to my new digs. I’m trying to make my tiny kitchen functional despite the lack of space for all my necessary kitchen equipment. Well, what I considered necessary when I packed up for this move. I hope to acquire a versatile kitchen cart to house a few items and extend my counter space. Truth be told, I will likely have to let go of some of my hoard of kitchenware after spending some time to determine what I actually find essential to my new life.

It’s getting closer to time for making goodies intended for Christmas gifts, so I’ll be looking at some new alternatives to the old traditions. I’ve come to consider that a good food gift is not only beautiful and delicious, but also contributes to the giftee’s health. One idea that just occurred to me while writing this post is a kit for making Mideastern lentil soup, something the intended recipients would never try on their own but would find delicious.

If any of my readers have ideas to share, please leave me a comment. I appreciate your thoughts, especially on making the most of a small living space, cooking for one, and healthy food gifts. As autumn progresses, I wish you all full and happy hearts as you enjoy the changing seasons.